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爱丫爱丫Ai Ya Ai Ya - BY2
.Monday, April 30, 2007 ♥


JOWELL ; thks fer your tagg . hees . <333333
YINGCHENG ; omg ! yoo guaii ?! dhen iie wadd ? im nerd !?! hahahs . xDDD
ERNEST ; thks thks . gd luck fer your exam too ! xDDD
ALVIN ; yepps . yoo sho dua pai . nid us go fetch yoo . hahahs . =X
XINCI ; lols . thksthks . gd luck fer your exam too . C= imissyoo ! <33333
MEIYI ; lols . of cos llarhs . our "compo" is full of expressions . hahhas . =XX

Love, @ 6:55:00 PM
. ♥

tdy is mother tongue paper one arnd two . wahhlao . is lyk sho difficult sia ;; omg ! lols . tdy lyk keep luffing frm paper one arnd two . LOLS ! . cos .(paper one) tdy mrs heng dherh lip gloss nort wore propely . hahas . is lyk dherh lip gloss all over her lips . hahas . (paper two) lols . dhen iie saw mrs heng dherh armpit hair . hahahs . cos iie sit in front . hahahs . dhen iie was luffing all dherh way llorhs . dhen iie tell yuanjie . dhen he go tell other ppl . hahhas . dhen when mrs foo come take over mrs heng . yuanjie arnd miie caught toking . lols . buddhen she say if kena caught again . she gonna go report . hahas .
after sku . slack in sku . dhat stupid ernest ! arhhhGs ! iie beg him fer more dhan half an hr . cos wanne dhem pei yongmeii meiyii arnd miie go queensway tak class tee . buddhen he dont wanne . dhen iie sho fed up . haiis . nbermind . suan lliaos .
dhen only dherh three of us go nias . dhen reach dher llerhs . go buy fbt shorts . hees . dhen went takk class tee . wahhlao ! sho angry ! dherh uncle say nort yet done . wahhlao . dhen is lyk dhey nber tell us lorhs . DAMN !!! buddhen luckily dherh uncle say he will deliver to sku or yongmei's hse . hahas .
dhen went fer our lunch . meiyi wanna go eat mac . buddhen iie wanne eat laska . hahas . dhen we scissors paper stone lorhs . iie lose ! sobbed ! buddhen in dherh end iie osho eat laska . hahas . cos we da bao go one corner eat . hahahs . clever rites ? LOLS ! dhen shop shop fer awhile dhen tak train back to yishun lerhs .
dhen went northpoint . went popular buy pen arnd files . POWERPUFF GIRLS DHERHS !! HAOXUE !!!!! POWERPUFF GIRLS DHERH HORH !!!!! hahhas . xDDDDD
dhen after dhat tak bus home lerhs .

wahhlao . iie rmb smthg ! dhat bytch told dherh others dhat iie copy her . wahhlao ! omg ! hu wanne copy yoo !? bu yao lian larh horhs ! yoo sho lao du . hu wanne copy yoo ? yoo are just a dog in everybody's eye ! OKAYS !? in sku yoo no fwen dhen always follow other ppl dherh backside . omg ! sho bu yao lian ! aiyah . iie knw yoo cnnort flirt those guys in our class dhen jealous of miie . dhen yoo osho jelous of yongmeii . cos she sho manii ppl jio . rites ?! other ppl giv yongmei wadd . dhen yoo osho wanne wadd . lols . tell yoo larhs . put make up no use dherh larhs . stiu will biie ugly dherhs ! if yoo nort happy dherh click dherh [x] on dherh top right hand corner llarhs ! actually here osho dont welcum yoo dherhs . last tyme keep saying wadd . iie ferget jangun lliaos . iie dont lyke him liaos . dhen in dherh end lerhs ?! kanasai ! yoo lyke him osho no use . ni you bi jiexing chio marhs ?! go look yourself in dherh mirror larhs ! yoo copy miie . say copy miie llarhs . dont knw go tell other ppl say wadd iie copy yoo dherhs !!!!
sho now hu is copy hhu ?!
- all right reserved by LIMYANNTORNG -

lols . if iie write this as mye compo . iie confirm get full marks dherh sia . hahhas . xDDDDDD

Love, @ 6:10:00 PM
.Saturday, April 28, 2007 ♥

woke up at 9plus . dhen meet yeexin at 10plus . dhen takk train to woodlands library . when ii reach dher . msloh yuanie ernest jason hairul daniellee rongyao already dher lliaos . nan de boiis will wake up sho early during weekends dherhs . hahas . dhen study until 12plus . msloh have to go miit her fwen lliaos . dhen after she left . we osho left . dhen went causeway dherh timezone . play stupid game . xDDD hahas . dhen caochen cum join us . after dhat went back to yishun . went nee soon cc play bball . haoxue come find us . hees she brought face towel and rubber band fer us . sho sweet ! xD ahhas . 5plus we went ljs eat our dinner arnd window shopping . went yeexin hse put books . arnd she wanna put her bag arnd takk money . sho go slack . while haoxue went fer her cell grp . 6plus walk to mrt station . takk train to woodlands meet dhem agains . ardd kfc dher . we wait fer them fer sho damn longg sia . STUPID ! dhey 7plus liddhat dhen reach -.- actually we miit at 7sharp dherhs . bud . nbermind . hahhas . when all (ernest yuanjie caochen) reach lliaos . we went dherh funfair play ! pay 7.50$ fer one ride . fergort dherh name lliaos . it was fun but damn dizzy . hahas ,while we playing . bryan arnd jowell reach lliaos . after dhat we went to mrt station to fetch alvin . -.- sound sho dua pai horh ? hahas . dhen went back to dherh funfair . jus walk walk nias . dhen go causeway lerhs . dhat means . we only play one game . -.- saw darren arnd eddie dher . dhey tio srceen . lols . sho suay . hahas . dhen dhey went food court eat . while yeexin jowell arnd mii went home . dhen 10plus cai reach home . xDDD
ohyah ! ytd saw one "thg" in teens .


  1. yoo canne wait fer a better/right parter .
  2. yoo dont hav to ask if yoo canne go out wif your fwens .
  4. yoo canne stop to yourheart's content .
  7. more spending money fer yourself .
  9. no worries about someone else eyeing your parter .

iie agree some of dherh points . hees .

anw . HAPPY BIIRTHDAY TO YANNYUN ! mye real blood meii . sowiie . no present fer yoo . xDDD

Love, @ 11:23:00 PM
.Friday, April 27, 2007 ♥

lols . dherhs past few days nber post . cos very lazy . xDDD hahas . hmms . ii try to recorr wadd happen during dherh pass few days barhs .
pei anzie arnd yongmeii go art rm fer dherh drawing thgy . dhen after dhat meet haoxue at chongpang mac . buddhen ii was late fer one hr plus . SOWIIE ! pei haoxue go buy color contact lens .
after sku pei yongmei go complete her art thg . dhen went home change . dhen go chongpang mac mit haoxue . hees .
sku half day . ^^ 1035 jiu dismiss liaos . dhen went cannteen slack . after dhat yongmei meiyi pei wo go home change . dhen tak bus to northpoint . eat our lunch at kfc . dhen walk to neesoon cc play bball . llols . at first dherh three of us at dher slack . dhen meiyi went home takebadminton racket . dhen play fer awhile dhen play bball . dhen yongmeii meiyi miie yuanjie jangun jason one grp . ernest kelvin kelvin rongyao hanwen one grp . dhen play way RAIN !!!! dhen play wif water . hees . fun !!!! hahas .
dhen ii went ocbc miit yeexin sandy arnd haoxue . went girodano help mye mama change thg . dhen osho help myeself to change hees . treat yeexin one shirt . hees . ^^
dhen after dhat pei sandy go ljs eat . dhen walk to safra . play parapara . after dhat went sandy hse . lols . four of us is lyk gone mad liaos . hahas . you qi shi sandy arnd haoxue . llols . took lots of pic . will upload tmr barhs . hahas .
on dherh way home conferenced wif hisyam yuanjie jangun ernest used yeexin dherh fone . xDDD thks swithart ! dhen went home corr them again . llols . crapping all dherh way sia . -.- hahas . xpppp

Love, @ 10:27:00 PM
.Tuesday, April 24, 2007 ♥

oh yarhs . last saturday dherh pics . hees .

adNORMAL ! lols .

Love, @ 8:59:00 PM
. ♥

haiis . dont knw whyiie tdy lyk very moody . buddhen nbermind . cos tdy is some sort of FUN ! hahahs .
mrRAUF tdy didnt come . sho happy . cos ii no nid to run 2.4 . hees . dhen msGOH come to relief our class . luckily she didnt catch mye attire all dhat . hees .
HEALTH CHECK hahahs . tdy health check took over sience arnd literture lesson . hees . iie nid to go make new specs again . OH YES ! hahahs cos mye spec dont knw whr mye mei placed . ^^ tdy mrROW osho nber come . dhen chen laoshi come arnd relief us . she lyk change alot sia . becum sho fierce . arrhG !
tdy went to comp lab . cos mrKWA wanne us to go web check dictionary . -.- dhen ii learn some korea words . lyk , 어리석은 is stupid . 백치 is idiot . lols . dhen iie ask JANGUN to write his name in korea word . dhen he knw how to write . buddhen iie ask him write other word . dhen he say wadhe dont knw how . lols . dhen he say . cos je study at korea of half a yr nias . hahas .
went lab . sian lorhs . msDIANAH wanne us to do dherh quiz .
ask jason jangun arnd rongyao pei wo go chongpang cc . cos ii meet haoxue zhenqiang . chenxiang . chenpau dher . dhen dhey told mii dhat 3plus dhern will reach . -.- study fer awhile . dhen play . dhen waited fer her to complete her homework . dhen go eat . lols . she nid half an hr to finish her food . hahhas . dhen after she finish went back to mac .
dhen 7plus dhen went home .

Love, @ 8:16:00 PM
.Monday, April 23, 2007 ♥

omg . mrs heng cut her hair . damn ugly lorhs . hahahs . dhen very funny . lyk dont suit her head lyk dhat . opps ! xDD
tdy ms DIANAH very dulan . dont knw whyiie . dhen mishidayat go ask her , "cher . yoo come to teach is bcos yoo wanne to earn money or issit yoo wanne to teach ? " lols . ii dont knw wadd she answer . cos nber really listen to her . lols . dhen ernest go put his bag on his leg . dhen she ask him to go see vp . lame lorhs . dhen bcos of this . he kena suspension . -.- DIANAH SUCKs !!!

llols . yuanjie dancing here arnd dhere . -.- cos he wanna tell liu laoshi dhat ernest go see mrCHAN . dhen he "sing " : "CHAN mali CHAN heyhey ...." lols . stupid sia . dhen all dherh chinese ppl luff until lyk wadd sia . hhahas .

actually today wanna concentrate on maths dherhs . buddhen jus dont knw whyiie , cnnort concentrate on it . maybiie its bcos ii dont really knw wadd sootho is teaching . hahhas . suan liaos . ask yongmeii teach mie . ^^ lols . he osho giv yuanjie a "nickname" cor MELVIN . he say its bcos he is a special student or smthg lyk dhat . lols . dhen JASON show mie one happy three fwens dherh video . OMG ! disgusting llorhs .! YUCKS !

we are ask to go to dherh hall fer some tok . dhen is lyk all nort link dherh lorhs . firstly is dherh wadd cut hand dherhs . dhen dherh bomb . lols . waddever larhs . dhen we didnt really knw wad dhat man say . hahhas .

went eat chicken rice wif anzie arnd yongmei . dhen meiyi went back home change . coss her uniform kena red paint . hahaas . keliann . dhen after dhat went chongpang mac study . hees . lols . is lyk alot of ppl dhere lorhs . dhen no place . dhen gort one ah-bu-nen-nen say we . takk dherh mac as our home lyk dhat . cos we scold here scold dhere . dhen if she nort happy she canne get out of dherh mac dherh lorhs !! STUPID AH-BU-NEN !!!
dhen zhenqiang . chenxiang . chenpau osho gort join mii yeexin haoxue . anzie yongmei arnd meiyi study . buddhen sit in different table . lols .iie tink now ii really hav to concentrate on maths arnd history lliaos . hees .

Love, @ 8:44:00 PM
.Saturday, April 21, 2007 ♥

today went chongpang mac study with haoxue . she was late fer half an hour lorhs . somemore ii no fone to corr her and ask her whr is she . buddhen luckily saw jiemin dherh junior ther . dhen borrow their fone to corr her . thks them lots . hope dhat dhey will pass their psle . ^^
haoxue pei wo go hawker centre eat lunch first . dhen ii pei her go buy shoe . dhen went back to mac study . dhen study until halfway . we sian diao . dhen go play bball wif deerick and his cousin . WE WIN ! cos dhey giv us free points . hahas . -.- dhen play play play . mye shoe spoilt ! dhen haoxue pei we go buy shoe lorhs . hahas .
dhen rainning lorhs . damn it ! sho went back to mac slack . -.- dhen 6plus haoxue come mye hse dwnstair . slack . dhen we took alot of pictures . hahas . upload them after ii receive all after her .
dhen ii saw ZhenLong (qiang's brother) lols . he saw me dhen he quickly run away . -.- buddhen in dherh end he stop . hahahas . he sho cute ! hahas .buddhen he torture his dog by pulling him lorhs . ke lian . after dhat ii pei him go tak lift . see ! ii sho good . hahas .

p.s . both haoxue and mii is CRAZY !
budhhen haoxue is SUPER CRAZY !! xp

Love, @ 8:20:00 PM
.Friday, April 20, 2007 ♥

eveythg end this morning . buddhen dont knw whyiie suddenly tears flow down . buddhen feel quite relex . hhahas . lyk wad anzie told mii . "ta bu zhi de wo wei ta er liu yan lei ! " ii agree ! hees .
today pe . was fun ! hahahs .actually is mii jason jangun and yuanjie playing dherhs . dhen ernest at dhere extra lorhs . dhen ii let him play lorhs . dhen ii help dhem count score . dhen they say wad . loser treat us drinks . dhen ernest dherh group lose . dhen hav to treat drinks . dhen in dherh end . -.- no . stupid lorhs . ii dont knw whyiie . ferget it . hahas .

after sku went northpoint with huiyi and bernice . dhen meet yeexin dhere . hees . elvin osho dhere . -.- extra dherhs . hahahs . xp went long john eat . mii and yeexin share . hahas . dhen after dhat yeexin come mye hse to use comp . x) 4plus haoxue osho came mye hse . dhen we 8plus go eat dinner tgt . hahhas . cos ii nid to hang clothes first . sho dhey hav to wait fer mii . xp chit chat wif them under mye blk . hees .

now sho damn relex . dont knw whyiie . tink single is betta fer mii . hees .
YEEXIN is mye life ! hees . i love her more dhan anione else does . bleah !

Love, @ 9:58:00 PM
.Thursday, April 19, 2007 ♥

after sku went chongpang cc wif yongmei . meiyi dont knw whyiie sho moody . dhen she dont wanne go chongpang cc . haiis . cheer up; meiyi ! dhen use yongmei dherh fone to corr anzie if she wanne come join us . dhen she say okay . dhen she come find us lorhs .
haiis . today is a sad sad sad day . dont knw whyiie . is lyk all dherh ppl sho moody lorhs . including mii ! haiisss .

dont biie sad narhhs . yoo all cool down fer some weeks . dhen yoo go try again lorhhs . CHEER UP PLS ! C=

haiis . if yoo dont lyk wo liao or dui wo no feeling liaos . jus tell miie . iie knw mye attiude sucks . buddhen . ii jus cant control over it . aiya . suan liao . say this osho no use .
lyk yoo say " ru guo ni yao break wo ye bu ke yi zhen yang " !
whyiie wo men oways qurrel dherhhs ? WHYIIE !?

ohyarh . mye handfone kena confisated again . same reason . cos over bill . hais . =C

Love, @ 9:48:00 PM
.Wednesday, April 18, 2007 ♥

lols . nowadays lazy to post sia . hahas . dhen today nthg to do . sho post lorhs . hees .
today dherh science lesson went comp lab do dherh stupid quiz .
dhen home ec. hais . today last lesson with ms lee lerhhs . cos nxt week gort dance dherh SYF . dhen she have to accompany them dhere . haiis .
dhen after sku . went chongpang mac du shu . hees . seeeee . ii sho guaii ! hahahs . today ii reaili gort study lerhs . buddhen hor . yongmei and meiyi today nber study . -.- stupid sia ! hahas . xD

lols . ii noe its very boring . buddhen no choice . hahahas . x)

Love, @ 7:21:00 PM
.Saturday, April 14, 2007 ♥

t0day went t0wn wif yeexin . sandy . yanfen . peisi . FUN ! hees .
we went 0rchard first . dhen bugis . hees .
ii b0ught quite al0t 0f thgs . hahs . b0ught sh0rts , wallet , card h0lder , sh0e , ch0c0late .
ii alm0st used up all dherh m0ney . -.-
dhen we 8plus leave bugis . take bus back t0 yishun .
dhen pei yanfen and peisi g0 this fashi0n .
dhen jiu walk h0me lia0s .

Love, @ 9:55:00 PM
.Saturday, April 07, 2007 ♥

today went t0wn wif yeexin . sandy . ha0xue . dhen 11plus sandy nda ha0xue c0me maii hse meet mii . dhen meet yeexin 12plus . t0ok bus t0 n0rthp0oint c0s ii nid t0 takk m0ney frm maii erjie dherh stead . dhen he wait fer mii at 2ooplus dherh bus st0p . hees .
dhen we t0ok bus ther . l0ls . actually we are g0ing t0 alight at dherh c0rrect place . buddhen . ii say we nxt sh0p dhen alight . l0ls . dhen nxt st0p lia0s . haven reach dherh place we wanne t0 alight . dhen wait l0rhs . l0ls . in dherh end . pass by cityhall , singapore river , chinat0wn , dhen 0utrum park . l0ls . dhen we at dhere luff very l0ud . dhen every0ne 0n dherh bus l0ok back at us . -.- l0ls .
dhen we decided t0 alight at 0utrum park . dhen takk train t0 bugis . hahas . dhen while waiting fer dherh train . we saw tw0 camara s0mh0w l0oking at us . l0ls . dhen we g0 sh0w stupid face in fr0nt 0f dherh camera . hahas . -.-
reach bugis le . dhen we went third fl0or dherh stationary sh0p . all dherh thgs dhere cute l0rhs . ii wanne dhat hellokitty s0ft t0y !!! hees . dhen after dhat went bugis street . dherh first place which we g0 is teenage cafe . l0ls . ii 0rder s0up+s0ft drink+pasta . l0ls . didnt finish mye paste . dherh taste lyke shit ! sh0 d0nt ever 0rder c0rn s0up nda pasta frm dhere ! l0ls .
went sh0p sh0p dhen b0ught 0ne belt nda shirt . hees .
after dhat . 6plus tak train back t0 yishun . dhen g0 meet hubby . david .and rachel . dey jus under mye bl0ck nias . dhen chit chat fer awhile dhen ii g0 h0me lia0s . HEEEEES . C=

Love, @ 7:28:00 PM
.Friday, April 06, 2007 ♥

t0day m0rning went hubby dherh hse . hees . STUPID him . humph !
p0pular . c0s sandy wanne buy ruler . dhen al0t 0f ppl lining up fer paying . dhen we g0 see stupid stuff . dhen b0ught d0remon dherh penknife . wheeeeeeeeeeeeee! cute ! hahahs .
dhen 5plus went h0me . lalalalallalalalalals . -.-

Love, @ 7:49:00 PM
.Thursday, April 05, 2007 ♥

hees . c0mp ha0 lia0s . thks t0 alex jiefu ! hees .
t0day is damn sian l0rhs . buddhen t0day g0rt ST dhen d0nt nid sh0 early g0 sku . hees .
t0day ps very stupid l0rhs . c0s yap cheng g0 0ff dherh fan . c0s fl0or very dirty . dhen she wanne us t0 sweep dherh fl0or . dhen s0me 0f them sweep . dhen rest 0f dherh b0i . at dhere sh0ut " we wanne fan ! we wanne fan ! we wanne fan ! ........." l0ls . dhen yap cheng was lyk nthg t0 say . dhen t0day dherh t0pic is ANGER . she asked us . wadd are y0ur angry with . dhen ii sh0ut y0o l0rhs . hahas . c0s she d0nt wanne t0 0n dherh fan . -.-
wahhla0 eh . stupid s0oth0 . he say mii brainless ! wahhlao . is very ii jus giv a c0mment nia l0rhs . c0s he ask us t0 lend him thick b0oks . t0 let dherh pr0ject0r stand TALLER ! l0ls . dhen ii say . "cher maths textbk larhs" . dhen he say . "n0w we using maths textbk . dhen n0w y0o say use math textbk t0 supp0rt dherh pr0jector . y0o d0nt hav brain issit ? " dhen ii was like . wahhlao ehh ! sc0ld mi fer stupid thg l0rhs . nbermind . ferget it . see him small . and 0ld . lalallas .
music less0n ms rozi teach us how t0 clap . l0ls . dhen half way jas0n nda jangun at dhere play with each 0ther dherh leg . l0ls . stupid l0rhs . dhen ms rozi gan b0th of them 0ut 0f dherh music r0om . hahahs .
l0ls . ii ferg0rt t0 brim maii hist0ry textbk again . buddhen luckily ii get in tyme t0 b0rr0w frm huiyi . hees . dhen after class f0ll0w mr vannan t0 staff r0om . lame l0rhs . he ask mi t0 study chpter 5 nda 6 if im n0rt r0ng . dhen nxt wed g0rt test fer mii nda shah . 0nly dherh b0th 0f them l0rhs . dia0s .

Love, @ 10:36:00 PM
.Wednesday, April 04, 2007 ♥

h0use dherh deskt0p sp0il dhen cnn0rt update . sh0 . paiisehh . hees . C=

Love, @ 11:01:00 AM
Yours Truly

Sisters are♥♥♥!

:)him to be back
:)new phone!
:)Can promote to Sec4N!
:)Job,Job &Job!Ju-an
:)Navel piercing!0209`08 :D:D
:)get rid of pimples!

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